Wednesday, December 17

'Foodcember' at its Finest

Well It's December, the time of the year that families and friends get together to enjoy good company and good food. For those in the Lego Community, It's also Foodcember, another of the theme-months that bring out lots of awesome builds every year, this time celebrating food and just how awesome it is. I'd like to highlight a few builds by KOS brick, who has recently been going all out for the community build and has produced some fantastic works.

I'm not going to highlight all of them because there are a lot but all of them feature some brilliant simplicity, presentation, and the use of different bricks are used to portray textures very well in all of them, resulting in a brilliant selection of mouth-watering mocs that if I didn't know better I'd say looked good enough to eat. 
ABS probably tastes pretty bad though...
Check these out and many more at KOS bricks's Photostream!


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